Podcast #57 Taylor Gallegos – Muralist and Live Artist – From Bright Light to Laser Beam: How a Best 3 Months Course Inspired an Artist

“In the Best 3 Months course, you lead us through big picture questions that ultimately ask: Are you going in the direction you want to be going?”

When my podcast guest — Muralist and Live Artist Taylor Gallegos — made this comment, I could not have been happier. For me, this is what it’s all about: reflecting, talking, learning from one another, and authentically clarifying: what’s my direction and how am I being fully in my life? Taylor says that his previous thinking about his work was like a light bulb shining, but now, with the reflection that the Best 3 Months course offered, that clarity feels like a laser-beam, driving him to expand both his work and life. P.S. Aren’t you curious what he means by “Live Artist”? He explains!

Picture of Diane Hullet

Diane Hullet

End of Life Doula, Podcaster, and founder of Best Life Best Death.

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