Everyday Prayers

“People don’t die like they do in the movies…” Classic statement by end-of-life educator Barbara Karnes! Get yours at bkbooks.com

I sometimes find myself wishing that the English language had more words for prayer.

Like how the indigenous people of Alaska*** are said to have “50 words for snow,” I wish we had other ways to say “pray.” Words that were matched perfectly for each situation.

I find myself sending thoughts far and wide for these everyday prayers:

  • friends who are hurting
  • someone who needs to heal physically
  • a loved one at the end of their life
  • war
  • ambulances passing by
  • plants to grow
  • relatives in cancer treatment
  • a pet to heal
  • people who have died, recently and long ago
  • children who are struggling
  • a lonely friend
  • new diagnosis of a hard disease
  • those who grieve
  • roadkill (am I the only one who does this?!)
  • and so much more

Doesn’t it seem like some of these could use their own word to describe the kind of prayer that is going out?

Barbara Karnes spoke beautifully on our podcast in March about the power of sending thoughts/energy/prayer to a loved one who is far away. She described it so movingly, and I remember listening to her talk and appreciating how she made this act so simple and human. She spoke in a way that made sense out of what could seem too “woo woo” to some or too “religious” for others. 

It’s fascinating that research backs up the power of prayer. “Most recently, data collected by the Positive Emotions and Psychology Lab at UNC Chapel Hill found that prayer, meditation, exercising, and self-care create positive emotions.” Not shockingly, this same lab found that, “Social media scrolling and texting had the opposite effect.”

And “for people who don’t feel like praying is for them, it helps to think of prayer as another form of mindfulness practice.” 

Sending an everyday prayer out for whatever you are going through!

~ Diane

***Although when I read up about it, perhaps this myth is really more like “50 ways to describe snow…” 

Still time to join

Best 3 Months, 6-week course starting the week of Octoeber 10th.

Learn more and signup here!

And thanks to ashleeburkephotography for a really fun photo party with a group of women entrepreneurs!

Podcasts for this month!

  • Taylor Gallegos, Muralist and Live Artist – From Lightbulb to Laser Beam: How a Best 3 Months Course Inspired an Artist
  • Seth Viddal, Co-Owner of The Natural Funeral, Lafayette CO – What Services are Offered at the Natural Funeral?
  • Alexandra Jo, Director of Outreach and Education, Parting Stone – Stones from Ashes: Another Option for Cremated Remains
  • Peter Mayer, Singer Songwriter – Everything Is Holy Now

Don’t miss this moving song about the everyday holy by Peter Mayer.

Picture of Diane Hullet

Diane Hullet

End of Life Doula, Podcaster, and founder of Best Life Best Death.

One Response

  1. Diane–You aren’t alone: When I see a dead animal on the road, I say, “Bless its spirit.” I’m glad you mentioned that you have your own response. I’d never spoken of my little ritual to anyone, before this. Carol Sanford

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