Podcast #54 Jan Booth – Music at the End of Life

This week’s podcast speaks to the heart about music at the end of life. My guest, Jan Booth, says: “Music can support and bolster people, especially in hard times. It can be inspiring; it can bring people together; it can foster connection; it can change the dynamic in a room, or in a house, or in someone’s internal state. Music can bring a sacred quality to the end of life; it can shift the energy of a moment. Music speaks to the heart and the spirit. It can invoke tears, and it can bring up memories as part of a life review.” There are so many ways that music can touch us and bring us together at the end of life! Listen in to hear Jan’s thoughts on the power of music as medicine and how we can bring this resource to the bedside.

Picture of Diane Hullet

Diane Hullet

End of Life Doula, Podcaster, and founder of Best Life Best Death.

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