Best 3 Months Course

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver

What is Best 3 Months?

Best 3 Months is both a practical planning tool and a transformative experience! In this course, we talk about our lives in 5 different areas: our physical bodies and home environment; our spiritual practices and beliefs; our emotional lives and relationships; the practical after death plans we’d like to see made; and our legacy — what it is we leave behind. 
For each of these domains, course participants answer reflection questions, read brief articles, watch informative videos, and take part (as much as they wish) in conversations that explore these areas. People bring their curiosity, fears, past experiences, and future hopes to this exploration. Our discussions result in concrete action steps that will give you traction to move forward with what matters most to you!
You may find this experience helpful if you yourself are nearing the end of life, you have loved ones who are ill or elderly, you have things you “know you need to do” but aren’t getting around to completing, or you simply want to learn more about this universal experience. All courses are currently taught through Zoom and available to anyone, anywhere. All times listed are Mountain Standard Time.

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On the one hand, Best 3 Months is a pragmatic planning guide for making choices about what to complete before you die, including such things as legal and medical paperwork that can set you up for the end you want and save your loved ones huge hassles and potential discord. But more than that, Best 3 Months offers a way to explore your true priorities at any stage of life and gives you the support to create genuine action steps that are meaningful to you and your loved ones, in all kinds of areas of your life. What is it that you’d really like to get done? See through? Make happen? And how will you actually do these things, instead of just thinking about them?
At the beginning of our course, we will name the date for your imagined “death,” three months from when we begin. Then for those seven weeks, in a small confidential group on Zoom, we will meet for 90 minutes each week and explore our lives through the lens of five different domains:
Each week, homework will include reflection questions to help you clarify your beliefs and desires for the domain that is the focus for that week. Additional resources such as articles, books, videos, and websites will also be shared, and our conversations during class will emerge from this wide base of materials.
laptop on desk

Conversations include:

Developed by The Conscious Dying Institute, this course is taught by a variety of instructors who have all been trained by CDI. Best 3 Months has motivated people of all ages and at various stages of life and health to bring focus to the practical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of dying. Beginning these conversations with an intimate and confidential group can give you the start you need to further contemplate these issues, create your own vision, and open lines of communication as needed with friends and family.

Free 30-Minute Consultation with Diane

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Check out These Podcast Episodes About the Course:

Free eBook

When Someone Dies...What do I Need to Know?

All the practical steps needed to take
when someone passes.